PROGRAM NIGHT: June 16, 2022
Minutes by Petra Kruis Daly
6:30pm. Doors Open. Memberships available for 2022.
7:04pm. Welcome by Deb Zynomirski, DHS President.
The Treasurer’s Report is Posted on the back wall members are encouraged to direct their question to our new Treasurer Ellen Guenther.
7:05pm. Business at Hand
- Members List: Members are reminded that If your information has changed, please let us know
- 2022 DHS memberships on sale tonight before Program and at break
- Two pairs of tickets for Whistling Gardens will be raffled off tonight (Each pair a value of $35). Tickets are $5 each and will be drawn at the end of this evening.
- Thank you to Marlene Link for her continued articles in the Sachem, and also to Susan and Brad Emery for their Get Growing column in the Haldimand Press
- Ways and Means Table is up and running again tonight. Tickets are available during break.
- This is Ontario Garden Week (June 12-19). We are once again proudly flying the Year of the Garden flag at our county administration offices for one week.
- Downtown Dunnville Tree Planting Plan should take place over the summer. Plans are available to view if you are interested. The 16 mismatched trees will be replaced by 46 matching trees placed in more appropriate places along the downtown core.
- Thank you to everyone who helped with Planting Days. Our community gardens look fantastic. Thanks again to Konkles and Eggers as well as Purple Haven Lavender.
- 2022 Year of the Garden “ A Splash of Red’
- Red feature gardens by the bridge in town got a ‘facelift’ this spring.
- ‘Splash of Red’ door hangers are being awarded to RED focussed gardens around Dunnville. Consider planting red annuals this year and you may get noticed.
- DHS photo contest will be a focus at our November AGM. Since the county photo contest seems to have been cancelled, we will be having our own. Our Photo contest will focus on ‘Year of the Garden’.
- Dates to remember:
- September 15th will be our next program night. Speaker to be decided yet. Snacks will be provided by: Beth Powell, Wray Mclean, Marie Bak, Susan Milligan and Pat Henderson.
- Remember… No Program NIghts in July and August, have a great summer everyone!
7:20pm. Break for Refreshments
7:35pm. Presentation by Kim Drew, Owner of Purple Haven Lavender. A lavender farm located between Canfield and Canboro. Kim spoke about the different types of lavender, its health benefits and how to grow and cut lavender to enjoy. Kim had a variety of lavender products available for purchase.
8:15pm. Wrap Up and Closing Remarks
- Whistling Garden ticket winners were: Bette Schriner (905 774 3500) and Fran Smith (905 701 4203)
- Plant auction, donated by Don and Barbara Davies: winning bid by Melanie Ruigrok
- Ways and Means Draws by Betty Ballenger and Gwen VanNatter
8:20pm Meeting Adjourns
Thanks to all our Board Members and volunteers who made tonight’s evening possible! Together we all work together to make our Society a success!
Suggestion Box was opened and these were the contents:
- Print T-shirts with DHS logo to sell to members
- Perennials that grow in containers including cut flowers
- Make a DHS crest that members can purchase to sew onto various items themselves
- Keep Deb Z as president another year
Kitchen Donations: $16.90
Ways and Means: $55.45
Sales of hats and aprons: $16.00
Memberships: 1 at $10.00
Auction for donated plant $10 .00
Whistling Gardens Raffle:$100.00
Random Donation: $2.00
Attendance tonight: 45