DHS had a delightful February, with a very informative presentation at our last Program night with Adam Chamberlin. He spoke about Dunnvilles tree program and our Carolinian Trees. Did You Know !! Haldimand has one of the biggest Paw Paw stands around. We are definitely lucky to have some amazing trees in our area. 

Up Next, the Lions Home and Garden show is fast approaching. Come on out to the Dunnville Arena on April 15 and 16th to see our Flower Power booth. Meet our board members, pick their brains, see all we have to offer and why not pick up a membership (10.00/adults and 5.00/jrs). We are an all inclusive, accessible, all ages group with a steadily increasing membership.

Later this month the DHS has submitted an article in the OHA Trillium. We have shared some exciting news to come . Also don’t forget to check out the Emerys monthly columns an all things plants here in the Haldimand Press. 

April is another busy month for the Hort Society. Not only are we preparing for out annual plant days, we are also apart of a huge collaboration Seedy Saturday with Haldimand Hort. This event will be held at the Cayuga Arena on Saturday April 29th from 10-5pm. Amdimissin is $5.00 for ages 13 and up. This family friendly event is a must attend with raffles, food, prizes, and much more, with over 30 green vendors. Spend the day learning about all things seeds, plants and green, with 3 fascinating speakers that are not to be missed. 

Also coming up this month is our monthly program night. It will be held March 16th from 7-9 at the Optimist Hall at 101 Main st W. Building is fully accessible and Light refreshments are provided. To do our part for the environment we are also asking everyone to participate in “lug a mug” and bring their own mug for coffee and tea. The ways and means table and memberships are always available. 

This month’s speaker is Kyle McLaughlin and he will be discussing the fascinating world of Mushrooms and Fungi. Also this month is St.Pattys day and DHS will be celebrating with prizes!! So come in your best greens, the member with the most green will be the winner. Looking forward to seeing all the St. Pattys Green Attire, 


Questions and comments can be directed to Jen Miller jlglaziermiller@gmail.com

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