By: Petra Kruis Daly
6:30pm. Doors Open. Members purchased their Ways and Means tickets and enjoyed a coffee or tea. Pumpkin contest participants submitted their entries to the side table for judging later.
7:03pm. Welcome by Deb Zynomirski, DHS President. Treasurer’s Report is Posted on the back wall. Questions can be directed to our Treasurer Ellen Guenther.
7:05pm. Business on hand:
- Reminded everyone that last month’s minutes are on the back of the program.
- Thank you to Marlene Link for her continued articles in the Sachem, and also to Susan and Brad Emery for their Get Growing column in the Haldimand Press
- 2022 DHS Bursary was awarded to Amelia Green-Johnson on October 7, she completed her required volunteer hours and is attending a horticultural program in Fleming College.
- District 9 Fall Forum being hosted by Thorold Horticultural Society on October 29. Those interested in going, please see Deb Zynomirski. We will meet at the Optimist Club and carpool.
- DHS is partnering with the Haldimand Horticultural Society in 2023 to do a joint Seedy Saturday event. This will take place at the arena in Cayuga. The proposed date is April 8, 2023. More details to come in the spring.
- Ways and Means Table: Get your tickets at the break for a chance to win some great things.
- Our AGM is coming up in November, where we will swear in our new Board of Directors for 2023. Please consider being part of our Board! Deb Zynomirski stepping down as President as is Jordan Wagter. Jennifer Miller is looking to join the board.
- Since our AGM is our next meeting, everyone is asked to bring either a main course, salad or dessert to share for our POT Luck dinner. OUR POT LUCK WILL BEGIN AT 6:00PM!
- Thanks to everyone who helped with Clean Up Day on October 15! We are also grateful to our community partner “Jeff’s Outdoor” for their assistance in collecting and disposing of all the garden debris. With all the hard work, the job was done in an hour!
- Lions Home and Garden Show is a go…dates April 13,14,15 of 2023. Volunteers needed to organise, set up and man our booth. DHS will carry the cost of the booth
- 2022 Year of the Garden “A Splash of Red”
Remember: this year’s DHS photo contest at our November AGM will have a YOTG focus. Only one photo per person. Our judge will be Ben Tucci
- Pumpkin competition tonight will be judged during the break, and results will be revealed after the speaker. Thank you everyone who participated!
- A new ‘Flowering Dogwood’ has been planted in the Thompson Creek Eco Centre. It was transplanted at the expense of a community member (Archie Marigold) and saved from land that was going to be developed. Saplings will also be planted in the spring.
- November AGM will have an auction of items that the DHS board no longer needs (rototiller, hedge trimmer, weed wacker, carpet, tools, etc).and a few surprises.
- At the end of the evening, we will have a draw prize of a beautiful plant donated by Agnes Walters.
Dates to Remember:
November 17, next Program Night (our AGM and potluck night)
7:15pm. Break for Refreshments
7:30pm. Presentation by Melissa North, topic: using plants for health and healing
8:30pm. Wrap Up and Closing Remarks
- Pumpkin Contest winners announced!
- Flower arrangement in a pumpkin: 3rd: Pat Henderson. 2nd: Cindy Huitema. 1st: Marilyn Stavinga
- Pumpkin as a Character: 2nd:Peter Zynomirski, 1st Bruce Burton
- Scariest Pumpkin: 1st Marilyn Stavinga
- Crafty Pumpkin: 3rd Nick Huitema, 2nd: Cindy Huitema, 1st: Marilyn Stavinga
Door Prize: Tina Janson
Ways and Means draws (Betty Ballenger and Gwen VanNatter)
Meeting Adjourn
Thanks to all our Board Members and volunteers who made tonight’s evening possible! Together we all work together to make our Society a success!
Final numbers:
Guests tonight: 47
Ways and Means: $60
Kitchen $20
2 Aprons $10