[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]DUNNVILLE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY
PROGRAM NIGHT: MARCH 17, 2022 Minutes
7:10pm. Program Night began with a welcome by Petra Kruis-Daly, Recording Secretary due to President Deb Z being away on vacation.
7:15pm. Petra discussed the business at hand:
- She explained that the email list is based on information from as far back as 2019. If your information has changed, please let us know. Going forward we will be using the 2022 membership list to send emails.
- 2022 DHS memberships on sale tonight at break, please purchase soon as the DHS Early Bird draw will happen at the April program night. This will give everyone a chance to purchase their 2022 membership tonight and early next month’s meeting.
- Petra reminded everyone to make a point of checking out the OHA’s latest online edition of their Trillium Magazine, where DHS is featured with an article about our new Lighthouse!
- Petra thanked Marlene Link for her continued articles in the Sachem, and also to Susan and Brad Emery for their Get Growing column in the Haldimand Press, remember to check out these great reads.
- Now that Covid restrictions are easing, next month the Ways and Means Table will return at our April Program Night!
- Haldimand Horticultural Society in Caledonia is holding their Seedy Saturday event on March 26th, 9:00am to 2:00pm, at the Riverside Exhibition Centre (151 Caithness St. East, Caledonia) Everyone is encouraged to attend.
- Salvation Army of Dunnville acknowledged DHS’ contribution to their Holiday Food Drive. Our members contributed food goods at our November AGM.
- Petra reminded everyone to mark March 21st on their calendar! Haldimand Hort Society and Dunnville Hort Society have teamed up for a flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the “Year of the Garden”. This will take place at the Haldimand County Administration offices in Cayuga at 3pm.
- Petra asked everyone to start thinking ahead to spring. We will need volunteers to assist with cleaning up gardens, and with weeding and maintenance. If you can help out with this, please see Nelly E.
7:30pm. Break for Refreshments were brought around by Nelly and Debbie T directly to tables for distancing due to Covid. Refreshments were provided by DHS. Hopefully we can return to food made and brought by members in the near future.
7:45pm. Petra welcomed George Scott of Niagara Beeway who introduced himself and spoke about the benefits of certain insects in our lives. Niagara Beeway is a group who offers a free service to all in the Niagara area for anything ‘Bee’ related.
o A donated fabric tote with a lovely ‘Bee’ design was donated by George, Cindy Huitema won the bag.
o George had set up a table with a variety of items ‘Bee’ related for sale for $10 (over 50% discount on his regular price). Jars of Honey were available for a donation as well.
8:30pm. Petra wrapped up the evening with these closing remarks:
- The Treasurer’s Report is Posted on the back wall. Questions can be directed to our new Treasurer Ellen Guenther.
- Ellen awarded prizes for the best dressed for St. Patrick’s Day!
The 5 members wearing the most green were: Tom Pettigrew, Cindy Huitema, Susan Milligan, Darlene Bucis, Betty Schriner. Each winner was asked to come to the ‘Prize’ table and select a prize.
- Petra reminded everyone of some important dates coming up:
o April 21:Next DHS Program Night
o May 6th: Plant drop off at the new Lighthouse, May 7:DHS Plant Sale
o May 24/25/26: Planting Days! Listen for dates in the next month for time and locations..
- Meeting Adjourned by Petra at 8:47pm
- There were 34 in attendance tonight
- 19 Memberships were sold- 15 Singles and 2 Family
- $12.00 was in Kitchen donations
Thanks to all our Board Members and volunteers who made tonight’s evening possible! Together we all work together to make our Society a success!