Annual General Meeting
November 21st, 2019
Optimist Club Hall, Dunnville

Deb Z welcomed everyone to this year’s AGM and Christmas Potluck. She reminded everyone to purchase their raffle draw tickets to win one of the many wonderful donated prizes. She lead the singing of O Canada and welcomed Steve Elgersma to say grace before we began our dinner. Everyone was welcomed to enjoy a wonderful dinner and reminded to take a few minutes during your dinner to look at and vote for your favourite photos.
Just after 7pm, Deb Z called everyone’s attention to the front and gave them last chance to vote for their favourite photo. Deb called the AGM to order at 7:14. Brenda Z from the Optimist club and her two student volunteers were thanked for their assistance with setting out the meal. Amber Cuthbertson from District 9 was welcomed. Thank you to the members for being a part of this great organization, volunteering and participating in many ways. Deb called Kim C forward to present the continuous service pins. 5 year pins: George Admiral, Susan Allen, Keith Bak, Marie Bak, Rosemarie Bosak, Marg Bottrell, Mark Bottrell, Cheryl Brown, Darlene Bucsis, Letha Burden, Brenda DeRuiter, Herm De Ruiter, Kim Dickie, Mike Draaistra, Clara Draaistra, Ivan Ellison, Tom Henderson, Andy Hyma, Marion Kuiper-Lampman, Ben Lam, Denise Richardson, Sharon Sykes, Rod Thomas, Reg Wilson, Don Zynomirski, Alicia Stravinga 10 years: Darcy Christoff, Betty Clark, Cindy Huitema, Sue Mazi, Sam Visser, Marge Visser. Life Members: Ian Steel, Barb White.
2018 AGM Minutes were read by Petra, moved to accept by Cindy Huitema and seconded by Kim Dickie, it was passed. Treas. Kim Christoff came forward to present the 2019 financial statement. Lester Fretz motioned to accept this report, seconded by Steve Elgersma, passed. Cindy Huitema and Kim Dickie volunteered to audit the financial books for 2019, Bev Mclean and Betty Ballenger motioned to accept these ladies.
Deb Z introduced the 2019 board of directors and thanked specifically Denise Richardson, Lynn Loney and Marilyn Stavinga for their service and presented them each with a gift as they will be stepping down. She then continued with year review, recapping the large projects and many other activities and events DHS was involved in over the year. She thanked Debbie Thomas for all her work with several of these projects. She thanked Lester Fretz and Marlene Link who regularly write articles for the local papers and reviewed the several awards we have won.
Amber Cuthbertson came forward and asked for a motion to approve the disbandment of the 2019 board, Betty Ballenger moved and Gwen VanNatter seconded. Amber announced the installation of the new 2020 board of directors: Deb Zynomirski, Debbie Thomas, Kim Christoff, Petra Kruis Daly, Gloria Hunter, Nelly Engelage, Wray McLean, Sharon Sykes, Colleen O’Reilly, Angela Latham, Susan Emery
Deb Z then began a ‘non-expert’ slideshow on ‘Houseplants 101’. Since the guest speaker was suddenly unable to attend, Deb put together a simple informative slideshow on houseplants. After the informative lesson on house plants, the Raffle Draw prizes were drawn, Winners are: Petra KD, Anna O’Brian, Sarah Brown, Evelyn Wardell, Joan King, Denise Richardson, Kim Dickie, Pat Henderson, Velma Smith, Cindy Huitema, Larry P, Debbie Thomas, Brad Emery, Kim Dickie, Val A, Gloria Hunter, Richard Edgar, Marlene Link, Debbie Thomas, Petra KD, Denise Richardson, Susan Milligan, Bev Mclain, Angela Latham
Our raffle prizes were donated by many community businesses, which we wish to thank, and hope people visit these businesses: Deb’s Cuisine, Art Rocks and Healing Yoga, Grand Erie Home Hardware, The Music Room, Uncle Bob’s Workware, Grand Wellness, DeeAnn’s, A&W, Blooming Designs, Home Accents, Heatherston’s Florist, Sweet Retro-spect, Rexall, Dunnville Paint and Decorating, New Amsterdam, Houser Automotive, KFC, Canadian Tire, Barnwood Wine, Ruffins, Towne Café, Stefanie’s Hair Care, Only Place on Earth, House of Plus, Hunter’s Haven BnB.
Gloria Hunter announced the winners of the Photo Contest: Winter: Cheryl Brown, Spring: Lester Fretz, Summer: Marylou Johnson Fall: Gwen Van Natter. Each winner was presented with a $10 gift certificate donated by Small Dimensions.
Nelly then sang “We wish you a Merry Christmas “ to everyone and a safe drive home.

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