Dunnville Horticulture Club             November Program November 15th 2018

Pres. Debbie Thomas opened the evening by warmly welcoming all 69 signed in guests to our annual Christmas Potluck. She began the night by introducing Morgan Yurcich, our new high school volunteer who will be helping DHS with all media at the Program nights. Deb Z then lead the singing of O Canada and Steve Elgersma eloquently said the blessing before dinner. Just before everyone lined up for the wonderful potluck, Deb Z explained how during the meal, everyone was encouraged to look at the beautiful photos in the Photo Contest, and how to vote during dinner. Also, everyone was encouraged to purchase tickets for the penny sale, the draws would take place later in the evening. During dinner everyone was welcomed to enjoy the cider tasting from Bain’s Road Cider Company. Geoff McDonald owner/operator would speak later in the evening.

Dinner began at 6:15

At 7:14 AGM called to order by Pres. Debbie Thomas.

New Life members Jan and Regina Loots, Mary Lou Johnston, and Hellen Edl were recognized.Continuous service pins were given out to Jim and Sandra Gill, Eric Hunter, Rob and Sandi Marr, Bev and Wray McLean, Jim and Gerda Smith for 5 years and the 10 year recipients were  Pam Blanchard, Kim Christoff, Barbara Davis, Maureen Jones and Gwen VanNatter.

Minutes from  November 15, 2017 AGM were read, and Betty Ballenger and Bev McLean motioned to approve the minutes.

The annual financial report was given by Treas. Kim Christoff, who also thanked Lorraine Stevens and Joan King for auditing DHS books for 2018. Kim Dickie and Joan King volunteered to be auditors for 2019.

Out going Pres Debbie Thomas gave an overview of 2018. Followed by heartfelt words of gratitude to all DHS members for being the Life blood of DHS, and to the DHS  Board for being the Heart and Soul.

Deb Zynomirski and Kim Christoff on behalf of DHS, thanked Debbie for her service, spoke of the many things DHS accomplished during her term and gave a parting gift.

Installation of 2019 Board of Directors followed. Officiated by Linda Olssen, Executive director from Dist 9.

The 2019 DHS Executive is: Deb Zynomirski (President), Debbie Thomas (Past President), Kim Christoff (Treasurer), Petra Kruis-Daly (Recording Secretary). Board members: Denise Richardson, Wray McLean, Lynn Loney, Marilyn Stavinga, Nelly Engelage and Gloria Hunter.

Deb Z officially took over duties as President, and assisted by Debbie, they drew the penny sale draw winners for the amazing donated prizes. Deb Z encouraged everyone to support all the local businesses.  Dunnville Paint & Decorating (Doris Thompson), Harmony House (Darlene Buscis), Durants (Larry Page & Peter Zyrominsk), Heatherton’s Florist (Debbie Thomas), Bob’s Place (Marlene Link), LVW Creative Barracks (Marilyn Stravinga), Uncle Bob’s (Cindy Huitema),Houser’s Automotive (Debbie Thomas), Pothos Restaurant (Larry Page), House of Plus (Marilyn Stavinga),KFC (Mike Draastra), Towne Café (Wyn Overend), Bev Mclean Glasswork (Cindy Huitema & John Wilson) Stephanie Hair Care (Gloria Hunter), Debb’s Cuisine (Beth Powell),  Rexall (Charlotte Huitema), Giant Tiger (Charlotte Huitema), A & W (Doris Thompson), Sweet Retro-Spect (Marlene Link), Blooming Designs (Donna Cavers), Dunnville Vet (Kim Christoff), Lang Calendar (Nelly Englege), Grand Wellness (Bev McLean), Gospel Lighthouse (Ellen Guenther), Ruffins (Susan Milligan),Grand Erie Hardware(Bev McLean), Grand Erie Garden Center (Pat Phillips), Sparkle Ladies Boutique (Michelle Zynomirski), Canadian Tire (Jan Loots), Good Looks( Bev McLean), Katrina Schmitz art (Linda Olssen). The evening’s Penny sale made $425.

Gloria Hunter announced the winners of the 4 season photo contest. Summer- Cindy Huitema, Fall-Nick Huitema, Winter-Gloria Hunter, Spring- Deb Zynomirski each  received a gift certificate donated from Small Dimensions.

Deb Z closed the evening  reminding everyone to take their food and containers home, to drive carefully and have a wonderful Christmas.

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