Dunnville Horticultural Society Year in Review by DHS President Debbie Thomas
Where do I start? DHS members and the board have surpassed all my expectations.
Having won the Doris Light heart award for % increase of members for 2015, we even increased memberships for 2016. (From 206 to 273).
Our Junior gardeners program grew and thrived in our second year..
We handed out a total of 42 service pins, recognizing 23@5yrs, 8@10yrs,5@15yrs,4@25yrs and added one more life member.
Now totaling 4 deserving women with over 141 years’ service between them.
Sadly DHS lost two very important members of their board, lifelong friends Maura Cooper and Judy Jeffery.
We gave out over 1000 packets of seeds at the Lions Home and garden Show.
Donated seeds, vegetable plants and herbs to the Dunnville Community garden.
Gave a donation of $5001.00 to the development of the new Dunnville Farmers Market
Gave a donation to the Hwy of Heroes tree planting campaign.
Annual food bank donation to Dunnville Salvation Army
Over 200 trays of annuals, 66 grasses, 20 sedums, 15 shrubs, 56 ornamental kale and 750 special Canada 150 tulip bulbs in Dunnville’s public beds.
Rehabilitated 2 large Welcome to Dunnville beds, complete with new decorative concrete edging, and new plantings of shrubs and perennials.
Spread almost 50 yards of mulch throughout town beds.
DHS Volunteers planted, weeded, maintained and oversaw all of Dunnville’s beds, planters and pots.
Community Events
Attended the annual Lions Home and garden Show, gave out seeds, offered mini gardening demonstrations, attracted and sold 83 new memberships.
Participated in Haldimand Motors Great Trike Event, a community wide event. Winning $3750 in prizes (3rd for float, 4th for trike race) while bringing attention and exposure to DHS
Respected Remembrance Day, by participating in ceremony and laying of wreath.
Partnered with two schools on projects (DSS and DCS) Haldimand County, the Rotary club and the Dunnville BIA.
We garnered financial support and donations from over 73 local business, clubs, and organizations.
DHS Exec and board members routinely attend public meetings, focus groups, and events to stay current on local initiatives.
To be visible within community, provide feedback, insight and if within our mandate support. All are true ambassadors of DHS.
Held 9 successful monthly programs, with record attendance. Public enjoyed speakers, refreshments, draws.
Hosted a Niagara on the Lake winery and garden tour, enjoyed by all..
Held a members only open garden day, of 8 gardens show-cased by DHS members.
The annual DHS plant sale, of which all items were donated garnered record profits in excess of $2000.
Haldimand County’s Volunteer Recognition Award, for a Community project under $10,000
District 9 Doris Light Heart Award – for increased membership.
Recognized by the Dunnville Chamber of Commerce
DHS invited to attend and present, at the Mayors annual public Year In review. On DHS’s Restoration project of Dunnville’s Centennial Fountain. To be completed during Canada’s 150th year, the fountain’s 50th year.
Merry Christmas everyone, and have a Happy New Year! See you in 2017!
Debbie Thomas, DHS President

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