Volunteering is not defined by a set geographic location

Dunnville Horticultural Society would like to thank Mike Lessard and his son Caleb as well as Jeff’s Outdoor (previously Jeff’s Lawn Care) for volunteering their personal time and equipment to  assist DHS with the annual public bed clean up day in Dunnville

This a big job that requires many volunteers to pull the annuals, trim and prune the perennials and shrubs. Until Mike Lessard came on board, it required countless round trips with DHS members personal vehicles to truck away all the garden materials for disposal.

With the use of the large landscaping trailer, everything fit on one load and Mike took care of disposal. This act of kindness and community spirit made a really big job more manageable, and cut the time involved for everyone significantly.

Mike Lessard resides in Dunnville, his children attend Dunnville schools, he is the Vice Pres of the Dunnville Chamber of Commerce. His son Caleb for the second year is acquiring

Community volunteer hours for school. The Landscaping Business-trailer used is a Haldimand County business. The equipment, fuel, dumping charges, time was all volunteered and donated.

DHS tries very hard to promote supporting local businesses within our membership. Yes we do have supporters that donate and give discounts  that are not located within the town of Dunnville this is not unusual. DHS also has active members that volunteer their time in Dunnville and do not reside in Dunnville. DHS welcomes any business or individual wanting to assist us in beatifying our town. At DHS monthly programs we have a table that Landscaping businesses and Garden Centers are welcome to leave/display their flyers and business cards for anyone to pick up if they wish. It is a soft sell, we don’t promote directly, similar to a community bulletin board.

However any donation of either cash or in kind is listed on our website for one year.

DHS is a non profit registered charity #886092816RR0001 comprised of volunteers.


Debbie Thomas Pres. DHS

905 774 3064

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