[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”4928″ img_size=”medium” add_caption=”yes” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]Moving? Downsizing? Are you unable to care for your garden due to lack of time or getting older? Well this might be a solution to your problem: Have a BYOS (bring your own shovel) yard sale.

Let others do the digging and dividing and you keep just a small division for your own downsized garden.

Check with your local horticulture clubs to see when they are having their annual plant sale to raise money for their garden projects in the community.

Our own Dunnville Horticulture Society plant sale is coming up on May 11, so you can start planning your plant donations. Just make sure they are potted well in advance and labelled.

I’m sure the members would like to add a few new plants to their gardens as well. You might be surprised at how many of your neighbours show up with shovels in hand, having watched your garden flourish from a distance.

And because others are doing the work for you, you could always put up a sign saying, “Free plants.”

Also, why not join other gardeners and would-be gardeners at our next program night on May 16?

Our special speaker will be Adam Koziel of Earthgen, sharing his expertise on growing truffles in Haldimand. This is an exciting and emerging foray in agriculture in our area, so you won’t want to miss it.

The Dunnville Horticultural Society meets every third Thursday at the Optimist Club Hall, 101 Main St. from 7 to 9 p.m.

Visit us any time online at our Facebook page or at www.dunnvillehortandgardenclub.org

For questions or comments, contact president Deb Zynomirski at 416-566-9337 or debzyn@gmail.com.


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