DHS June Program Night
Thursday June 20 2019
Minutes by Petra Kruis Daly and Ellen Guenther

Petra opened the meeting by welcoming members and guests. She reminded everyone of fire exits, signing in on the ‘Sign in Sheet’, both for safety reasons, and for a chance to win a draw prize. She then spoke about old business:
• The Treasurer’s report is listed at the back of the room for everyone’s perusal, other news and information is also posted.
• The minutes of the May Program night are on the back of tonight’s agenda.
• She encouraged members to remember the following dates:
• September 14, Fall Members only garden tour (9AM to 4 PM) Gardens to be announced.
• September 18, Thompson Creek Eco Centre Grand Opening. (10 am till 2 ish)
• September 27, District 9 Fall Forum hosted by DHS. Everyone welcome to come. Remember to take pictures for the Photo contest.
Due to technological issues we could not see the video message made by Deb Z, who is away at a conference this evening.

1. Members Discounts: now open new owners- Potting Shed 10% off live goods
*Canadian Tire 5% off live plants-currently all garden stock up to 50% off end of season sale
*Garden Gallery, holding Dunnville Senior Supports Garden Party Sat 22 annual fundraiser.
*Others- no harm to ask, show your membership card
2. Please check your email addresses, if they have changed in the last year, let Kim know.
3. Muddy clean up is Wed June 26. 10am All are welcome to come help.
4. N.O.T.L Garden Tour. Sat July 6. All welcome. Check out the website for more info.
5. Floral Clock and Thompson Creek are coming along well, no news to report.
6. Suggestion Box is at the back table. Continue to add ideas-all are read and considered.
7. Nelly made a short announcement thanking weeders (all weeders given a donated McDonalds meal coupon) Nellie asked for a few more volunteers to assist with weeding.
All weedeers asked to remove spent tulips and irises from their beds.
8. Refreshment Volunteers were thanked for bringing in treats for tonight : Joan King, Kim Christoff, Mary Ellen Page, Pauline Phillips.
9. Gloria reminded us to start taking pictures for our Photo contest at our November AGM (as well as for the September District 9 Fall Forum)

Petra welcomed everyone to enjoy some refreshments and Purchase Ways and Means Tickets, then meet back in 10 minutes.Petra then introduced our Guest Speaker: Loretta Shields of ‘Caring for our Backyard Birds”. Who spoke about the best way to attract and keep interesting and wonderful birds in your backyard. Petra thanked Loretta for her very interesting presentations. Loretta then assisted in drawing two names for the door prizes. The Lavender pot (Donated by The Potting Shed) went to Darlene Bucsis. And the beautiful gourd bird feeder (grown/carved & donated by Angela Latham ) went to Frank Phillips. Petra reminded everyone that our many exciting events in September are happening before our September Program night, so we will all have to remember on our own. To watch for emails from Kim as dates approach, and to check our website for updates. Next Program night is September 19. Mark Zelinski will speak on “How to Photograph Flowers, Plants, Gardens and Landscapes” Also our Annual Flower and Vegetable show and Awards night for Junior Gardeners/4H kids. 4H will be providing our refreshments. Petra wished everyone a safe drive home, and a wonderful summer break.

Attendance for the night-76 people signed in. Ways and Means raised a total of $74.00 and the kitchen donation tin raised: $63.00

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