January 16, 2020 DHS Program Night Minutes
Optimist Club Hall, Dunnville
By: Petra Kruis Daly

A Welcome by DHS President Deb Zynomirski at 7:01pm was given to all attending the evening, Deb then introduced a few topics:
Everyone is asked to sign in at the entrance, they are also encouraged to purchase the ‘Ways and Means’ tickets at the back of the hall, and to purchase memberships for 2020.
Our new volunteer student Brian Liberty was introduced, he will be helping with the audio/visual equipment.
Treasurer’s Report is posted on the back wall, any questions are to be directed to Sharon Sykes, Treasurer.
October minutes are on the back of the agenda and previously emailed to members.

Deb Z then made the following announcements:
Congratulations and welcome to our newest Board Members:
Susan Emery
Angela Latham
Colleen O’Reilly
Sharon Sykes, Treasurer
Look out for the upcoming issue of OHA’s Trillium Magazine (online edition),for an article on our Thompson Creek project submitted by Debbie Thomas.
Also check out the Sachem articles continued by Marlene Link, as well as Haldimand Press articles by Lester Fretz.
Canada Blooms event in Toronto at the Enercare Centre is during March, 13-22, details on the bulletin board at the back.DHS has no planned trip this year
Nelly E was asked to come up and she thanked those who brought snacks for tonight: Wray M, Jenny E, Martha G and Anna O. The following members volunteered to bring snacks for the February Program night: Susan M, Beth P, MaryEllen P and Evelyn W. Thanks were given to all those who volunteer in this capacity.

Deb Z then announced that our break would begin, and for the next 10 minutes everyone was encouraged to take refreshments and snacks, as well as purchase tickets for the Ways and Means, which helps cover the cost of the hall rental each month.

At 7:26pm Deb Z called the meeting to order and introduced the panel of Lester Fretz, Petra Kruis Daly, and herself, who will briefly speak of a variety of garden topics and answer questions from the floor.

After an informative and lively discussions about gardening, Deb Z thanked the panel, then made a few final announcements:
The annual ‘Quint Night’ will be held at the legion on Feb 19. Anyone interested in attending should contact Deb Z. ( $20 per person dinner and speakers).
Topics for the Program nights this year are as follows:
February: Orchids
March: Gardening with climate change
April: Earthgen: Unusual Native trees
May: Mushrooms and Fungi
June: Pollinators: How pollination works.
September: On the Trail Of Monarchs
October: Terrariums
November AGM: Porch Pots

Deb Z then wished everyone a good evening and hoped to see all at February’s Program night. Ways and Means tickets were drawn and winners claimed their prizes.

Talleys for tonight: Guests in attendance:53
Kitchen donations: $57.40
Ways and Means:$61
Memberships sold:$290.00

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