First up is the Annual plant sale Sat May 14, 8am till noon at the Optimist hall parking lot. Always a great selection of healthy perennials and annuals, with the addition of garden related art, and accessories providing something for everyone. Knowledgeable volunteers will be on hand to assist and answer questions. Anyone wishing to donate items for sale, drop off is Friday May 13th between 5-7pm at the Farmers market. Please have in pots and identify plant type and color. Plant sale is DHS biggest fundraiser!

Next up May 19th, DHS monthly program featuring, Lester Fretz a returning favorite, presenting on backyard greenhouses. Doors open 6:30pm meeting starts promptly at 7pm at the Optimist hall. Program is open to everyone, a membership is not required, also includes draws, refreshments, and friendly people all in one place.

April’s program had 91 sign in, a record for April. DHS attributes the great turn out to the membership drive held at the Lions Home Garden and Craft show this year, providing DHS amazing exposure to engage with the public.

Sat May 28th is another big day for DHS. Volunteers come out in full force to plant all Dunnville’s Public beds with over 200 trays of annuals donated once again from Konkle Greenhouses. Planting begins at 8am, volunteers are asked to meet at the parking lot by the bridge to receive direction. Please bring your own garden trowel and gloves. A green thumb is not required, just a willingness to help out.

DHS JR Gardeners group is gearing up for another exciting season. If you have a child between 6-14 that would like to plant their own garden, complete with scarecrow, one on one instruction, plants and seeds, to get started or attend optional workshops, please contact Margaret Bottrell 289 683-8850 or Judy Jeffery 905 701-4656. (program limited to 35 children).

Please Contact DHS President Debbie Thomas 905 774 3064 or Deb Zynomirski Vice Pres. 905 774 8453.

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