[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1471633008692{margin-top: 10px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column css=”.vc_custom_1471632072516{margin-top: 0px !important;margin-bottom: 0px !important;padding-top: 0px !important;padding-bottom: 0px !important;}”][vc_column_text el_class=”text-left”]The fruits of our gardening labours are literally in our hands this month. Harvests of early tomatoes, tender peas, and fresh herbs along with bouquets of fragrant flowers fill our homes. It doesn’t matter how wet the spring was, rain can be very elusive in July. Humidity begins to peak. While there’s no definitive list of gardening chores for the July garden, gardeners just play it by ear.

Here are a few tips and reminders for July gardening: be careful to avoid working in the hottest part of the day and be sure to drink plenty of water while gardening. Hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen are a must for me. Continue to stay ahead of weeds which seem to thrive in the warm weather. It’s a good idea to replace mulch in gardens as needed to keep down weeds and retain moisture. July is a good time to check garden centres for mark downs on plants and use your DHS membership card for additional discounts. Add potted annuals in places where you need a punch of colour. Keep lawns to about 3″ to protect from the summer heat. Clean bird feeders and bird baths if needed.

Deadheading encourages more blooms at this point in the growing season. Annuals can be cut back by 1/3 promoting new growth. Since July is often one of the hottest months of the year, make sure your plants are well watered, using grey water wherever possible. Most importantly, take time to sit back and enjoy your gardens and all your efforts.

If you happen to have a few hours free on Sunday, July 10th, please join us for our Dunnville Horticultural Society (DHS) Garden Tours. We are offering 8 amazing self-directed tours. Pack a picnic lunch and enjoy a cold beverage at one of the locations along the tour. This event is free to DHS members and non-members are welcome with a membership available at any home for $10/single, $15/couple and $5/children. Call Debbie Thomas, President (905) 774-3064 for garden tour locations and more information.

“Botanical Gardens and Winery Tour” occurs on Saturday, August 13, 9 am -3 pm and is being organized by Deb Zynomirski, Vice President. A coach and driver from Attridge Transportation will to take us to Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens, then on a tour of three distinguished wineries of the region: Reif Estate Winery, Southbrook Vineyards and Konzelmann Estate Winery.

For more information about these events or if you have suggestions to share, feel free to contact call:

Debbie Thomas, President – (905) 774-3064
Deb Zynomirski, Vice President – (905) 774-8453[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=”text-primary text-left”]Sandi Marr, DHS Reporting Secretary.
Sandi welcomes your questions and ideas for future gardening columns.

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