I love to grow perennials so I have beautiful bouquets to bring into our house all summer long.

Lilacs grace our table with beauty and fragrance in May. A tiny bouquet of dainty lily-of-the-valley remind me of my grandma Gilmore. She had a large bed of these delicate flowers at their home on hwy. 3.

Peonies bloom shortly after lilacs. Their spectacular large, fragrant flowers are breathtaking. I make sure I bring a bouquet into the house before a rain knocks them to the ground.

By the time the peonies are done blooming, our roses are in full glory. As the summer continues we are blessed with  lupins, iris, daylily, hydrangea, yarrow, astilbe, coneflower, and phlox to name a few.

If you enjoy fresh cut bouquets, here are a few tips to prolong the life of your garden flowers indoors:

“Condition” your cut plant material to make foliage and flowers last and look their best. Cut flowers during the cool of the day (early morning or evening). Submerge stem immediately into TEPID water as you gather flowers. Once inside, choose a clean container with fresh water and floral preservative (1 tsp. sugar, 1 tsp. bleach, 2 tsp. lemon juice, water.)

Remove all leaves below the water level. Change the water often and recut the stems to prolong the life of the bouquet. Keep away from direct sunlight and heat.  

For more gardening tips, join us at the Optimist Hall, 7-9pm on June 21 to hear Lester C. Fretz, DHS Member, speaking on “Introduction to Trellis Gardening….Learn to take your garden Vertical to save space & your back!


Doors open at 6:30 pm.  Refreshments are served and the evening is free to members and non-members. Visit our Facebook page and website at: www.dunnvillehortandgardenclub.org. Contact Debbie Thomas, President (905) 774-3064 debbie.j.thomas@gmail.com or Vice-President Deb Zynomirski (416) 556-9337 debzyn@gmail.com.



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