We’d all agree. Spring has been a long time coming. But it feels like it is finally here. Let’s begin our gardening!
Rake up winter debris from flowerbeds. Break off wilting tulip or daffodil heads and allow the foliage to die back naturally.
Lightly side dress perennials with an all-purpose fertilizer. Avoid spilling the fertilizer on the plant, and use care not to damage the shallow roots when you cultivate it into the soil. Spring is a good time to divide perennials.
Prune back early flowering shrubs such as forsythias, weigela and spirea by one third when they have finished blooming.
Remove the wilting seed heads from rhododendrons and azaleas so that the plants’ energy
can go to foliage growth and next year’s flowers, rather than seeds.
Lilacs should be fertilized (10-10-10) and pruned after they finish blooming, removing sucker growths and dead blooms.
Roses, deciduous shrubs and trees may be fertilized (10-10-10). Be sure to water the fertilizer in thoroughly after it is applied. Keep an eye on the roses, spraying for aphids and other diseases such as black spot.
Remove any sucker growths from fruit trees. Cut out all the dead canes from your raspberry patch. The new canes that will bear this year’s fruit should have new, swollen buds along the edges. Thin these to five canes per foot of row to allow good air circulation and prevent overcrowding.
May is a perfect month to repair your lawn. Visit your local garden centre for a good quality lawn care seed and fertilizer.
You won’t want to miss our Annual Plant Sale 7am-noon, Sat. May 12, rain or shine at its new location 210 Main St E (bridge parking lot overlooking the river). Rise early to get great deals on annuals, perennials, as well as unique garden accents and fresh cut flowers for Mother’s Day. Memberships will be available for purchase. All proceeds dedicated to the beatification of Dunnville.
For more gardening tips, join us at the Optimist Hall, 7-9pm on May17 for ““Weeds: Good vs. Bad/Which Weeds are Which?” Speaker: Carla Carlson, Niagara Nature Tours. There will also be an Annual Rose Draw for Members.
Doors open at 6:30 pm. Refreshments are served and the evening is free to members and non-members. Visit our Facebook page and website at: www.dunnvillehortandgardenclub.org. Contact Debbie Thomas, President (905) 774-3064 debbie.j.thomas@gmail.com or Vice-President Deb Zynomirski (416) 556-9337 debzyn@gmail.com.