Dunnville Horticultural Society
February Program Night
February 21 2019
Deb Z called the meeting to order at 7:03pm. She welcomed all new attendees and reminded everyone to sign in on the sheet by the door. She pointed out the exits and washrooms. A reminder to everyone to purchase both their memberships and tickets for Ways and Means. Memberships purchased before the March meeting, will be eligible for the early bird draw rose.
• Information including treasurers reports, news articles and our sponsors are posted on the bulletin board near main entrance; previous minutes are on reverse of agenda.
• Seedy Saturday is in Niagara on March 23, 10-3pm. St George church in St Catharines. On our March program night, we are having our own Seed Exchange. Please bring in your seeds to exchange then. Please identify.
• Our program brochure is out, Deb brought everyone’s attention to the April date for the Home and Garden show is incorrect. The date is actually April 19-20 Easter Weekend. The home show will be taking place on the Thursday April 18th and Saturday April 20th (not Easter Friday) Our own program night is the same Thursday, April 18th. Our program will be a movie night, complete with popcorn. A documentary; about a man who was an avid gardener his entire life.
• Quint night represents all the service clubs in Dunnville. Each Club highlights events or activities they have done, and will do in the coming year. Although the DHS is not considered one of the ‘Quint’ service clubs, we are always invited to present. Debbie and Dan did so that evening on the Thompson Creek Project. Muddy the mudcat, is to be getting a face lift this year, the Lionesses mentioned they will partner with Rotary on this. The floral clock should be done by the spring. The clock will become a showcase for Dunnville’s history rather than a working clock.
• Gloria thanked Susan Milligan, Angela Latham, Joan King, Helen Edl, Florence Zyomirski for bringing snacks tonight. The following people volunteered to bring snacks for March: Evelyn Wardell, Muriel Currie, Denise Richardson, Debbie Thomas, Petra Kruis-Daly.
• The spring forum will be held in Grimsby Saturday April 27. Topic will be creating a Pollinator garden as well as information on the Legacy Prairie Garden. People interested should get in touch with Deb Z so that carpools can be arranged.
• Dan McKay gave a short update on the Thompson Creek Wetland Project. He talked about signage, labels by trees, paths, the controlled burn of the Tallgrass Prairie this spring and planting of wild flowers (volunteers are needed to plant all these seeds: contact Debbie T or Dan Mckay if interested), a weather station, will monitor the area..
• Deb Z commented on how DHS undertakes massive projects and has had much success in the past many years on what we have accomplished. We should all be proud of all our efforts.
Break: Deb Z encouraged everyone to take a coffee and snack break as well as look over the information Dan McKay brought in about the Thompson Creek Project.
Speaker: Deb Z introduced Janice Gilbert a Wetland Ecologist. She spoke about invasive Phragmites and kept the audience captivated for 45 minutes. She encouraged everyone to be aware of Phragmites and make sure it is eradicated as soon as possible.
Business Continued:
• Deb thanked Dr Janice for her informative talk. Door prizes were given out, 3 bouquets were donated by Tina Janssen who got them from Rosa Flora, these were won by: Rosemary Bosak, Betty Ballanger and Tony Daly. Meeting was adjourned. Deb Z wished everyone a good evening and safe drive home.
• Ways and Means were drawn.
24 memberships were sold this evening bringing in $185
Kitchen brought in $25.85
Ways and Means brought in $50