February Program Night. Thursday February 15 2018. Minutes by Petra Kruis-Daly
Debbie opened the meeting at 7:03 welcoming everyone.

1. Debbie announced the new Optimist hall sound system recently installed.. A $500 donation from the Dunnville Horticulture Society helped with the purchase. Everything should work and sound better, no more loose wires. Thanks to the Optimist club for doing this.
2. A reminder to please keep your email address updated as DHS Treas. Kim Christoff regularly sends monthly updates, meeting minutes, news or coming events not to be missed.
3. Check out our new brochure recently printed. Take note of all the wonderful things we will be doing this year. Some details on a few events yet to be finalized. TBA
4. Haldimand County has hired an Arborist, Adam Chamberlin, who is working on improving the tree canopy of Haldimand County. As well we have a new member Dan McKay, who is heading up our newest project. With these two knowledgeable gentlemen, our club has great plans to extend last year’s project at Centennial Park into the Thompson Creek wetlands, and Carolinian forested area. March program details to be announced.
5. Please sign up on our volunteer sheets such as:, The weeding crew (18 beds), Planting Day, Lions Home and Garden Show, Plant Sale, Judges for the fall flower show, Decorating town flower pots, Garden clean up. Volunteers greatly appreciated by board.
6. Deb Z spoke about challenging yourself to sign up for a volunteer position such as a summer weeder. Making the volunteering a social activity with a friend makes it more fun.
7. Thank you to Ellen Gunther, who has offered to collect all the recycled items at each program night and take it home to recycle.
8. Thank you to Ellen Gunther, Angela Lathen, Bev and Wray McLean, Marilyn Stavinga and Denise’s mother, for providing the delicious snacks for tonight. Thank you to Florence Zynomirski, Barb Whyte, Bev McLean and Marie Bak for volunteering for March.
9. Debbie reminded us that we need to always sign in every program night. This list is used if there is an emergency, but also it is used to give door prizes away during the night.
10. Debbie and Deb attended the recent Chamber of Commerce AGM and announced that Lorn Boyko was nominated as citizen of the year. Also that Dunnville Hort. is always recognized at events for our community activities and told our service is appreciated.
11. Debbie announced the break for snacks and purchasing ways and means tickets.

At 7:35 Deb introduced Kim Dickie, floral designer. Kim is a DHS member, a flower arranger and floral teacher. Her experience had earned her a position teaching flower arranging at Mohawk College for 15 years. The members enjoyed a lovely lesson on how to arrange many styles of floral arrangements. A question and answer session followed with some fantastic ideas and advise. Deb thanked Kim for her informative talk, and her generous donation of two beautiful arrangements. Steve Elgersma and Marilyn Sutor were the happy winners of the draw.

Finishing Business:
14. John Wilson donated a beautiful basket of goodies, prize winner was Angela Latham.
15. Debbie closed the meeting with a reminder of the next meeting. Please mark it on your calendar as it should prove to be a very interesting night.
16. Meeting was adjourned at 8:25 pm.
17. Ways and means followed.

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