A BIG THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who came out to help…..many hands make quick work! We had 27 hardy (young and older) volunteers in all ….pulling, weeding, loading, carting…..along with Mike Lessard and his son, Caleb Lessard, from Jeff’s Lawncare, providing a large truck and trailer.
Everything was loaded and Mike took care of carting away the plant material and disposal. It saved so much time. Thank you, Mike and Caleb.
Then we gathered at Flyers for coffee and muffins. Cheryl from Flyers donated all the drinks and made a fresh tray of warm carrot muffins for all of us to enjoy. She gave a huge heartfelt thank you to DHS for all we do throughout town. Well done everyone, many thanks …we were done in under 2 hours. “Many hands make light and quick work!”