Spring has sprung and summer is on it’s way. WOW have the temperatures been crazy, great for the plants though.
Are you enjoying the weather? Dunnville Horticultural Society sure has. The weather held out for us this year so we could get all the beds planted throughout the town. With over 40 volunteers throughout the 3 days, the planting was efficient and completed in no time. Of course DHS couldn’t have done it without the lovely donation of plant materials from Konkle Greenhouses. Thank you Konkles and volunteers for all your time and support.
DHS would also like to thank all our volunteer weeders for their time and efforts to prepare the beds for planting and their continued support throughout the summer season to keep the newly planted beds looking their best. Stay tuned for a new DHS feature we will be providing “Meet the Weeders”.
As the school year is coming to a close, so has the Thompson Creek / St Michael’s Kindergarten Outdoor Class. What an adventure the kids have had. Lead by Deb Thomas and Dan McKay, with support from Melanie Ruigrock and Ellen Guenther . The children explored nature, learned about turtles, butterflies and birds, and braved the environment.Looking forward to more adventures.
Last months plant sale was another success. , raising over $1,000 to be used for upcoming projects. Thank you to everyone that brought and donated plants. Please stay tuned for upcoming projects and workshops, not to be missed.
Also not to be missed is the June program night, held every third thursday of the month at the optimist hall from 7-9. This months speaker is Karen Richardson on the loyalists kitchen garden. Very exciting. All ages welcome, fully accessible and refreshments will be provided. Memberships also available. this will also be the last program night till September, so lets fill the hall!!!
Jen Miller


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