July 2012 Happy Canada Day everyone!
I hope your summer is progressing well. The weather has been great. Were you able to get out to see the Dunnville Mudcat Parade on June 9th? For the first time in many years it rained, but it didn’t dampen spirits. The streets were lined with excited spectators and the parade itself was well attended by numerous organizations and businesses in Dunnville. Our float was absolutely beautiful. Director Pamela Blanchard outdid herself this year. With an army of volunteers she organized the clean up, painting and decorating of the float before parade day. On parade day we had a great turnout of members and directors and we looked awesome in our green DHS t-shirts and aprons. Thank you to all who helped out by riding on the float and walking along the route handing out seed packets. There are pictures posted on our website so please go to
www.dunnvillehortsoc.gardenontario.org to see them.

The June Rose and Flower show unfortunately had to be cancelled. June turned out to be much busier than we anticipated, so we are now focusing on our September Flower and Vegetable show. You don’t have to be an expert to enter an exhibit. We’ll have more information for you in August.

The June 21st garden walk at the home of Beth Powell was absolutely amazing. She has over 15 acres of rustic country gardens with plenty of whimsy and xeriscaping perennials. Beth was the most gracious of hostesses, and I certainly hope we get to visit her garden again soon.

Earlier in the year we announced that DHS is having a photography contest that will be judged at the November meeting. There are 4 categories for pictures: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Pictures must focus on “the garden” but can include pets and children/people. You are allowed to enter 1 photograph in each category and there is no cost to enter. Please keep the contest in mind as your are out and about taking pictures. You don’t have to be an expert so don’t be shy–this will be a great opportunity to show off your garden and your photography skills.

There is a list of upcoming events on our website so don’t forget to check periodically for updates. There is also a list of events on the Ontario Horticultural Association’s website at www.gardenontario.org. Please visit their website for updates, and for more information on how the association functions. The Dunnville Horticultural Society is a member of the Ontario Horticultural Association. The OHA is divided into 19 districts, with DHS being in District 9 which is comprised of the Town of Haldimand, Niagara North (Lincoln), and Niagara South (Welland). From time to time we hear of exciting things that are going on outside of our area, one such event being the NATIONAL GARDEN FESTIVAL in Buffalo, NY. It’s a five-week-long garden party, with 14 garden walks and tours (including America’s largest – Garden Walk Buffalo), bus tours, weekday Open Gardens, speakers, workshops and a Front Yard Garden Competition. This festival of 1,000 gardens has something for anyone with – or without –a green thumb! This is the 3rd annual festival, running from June 23 to July 29, 2012.
For more information please visit the official website:

Our upcoming guest speaker for July is coming to us from the Ministry of Natural Resources to talk to us about invasive species. Every year we hear about new invasive plants and animals so this will be a chance to get up to date information. This meeting, as all our meetings are, is open to the general public. Please plan to attend and by all means bring a friend. Everyone is welcome.

Garden Tip of the Month: Don’t forget to water and weed your flowerbeds regularly and deadhead annuals to keep them flowering. Many perennials benefit from deadheading as well. Do not prune Azaleas and Rhododendrons after the second week of July for they soon will begin setting their buds for next year’s blooms. Fertilize fruits and vegetables as needed with a good quality, slow-release vegetable food. Now’s the time to control aphids, lace bugs, bagworms, birch borer, fall webworm, Japanese beetle, obscure scale, oyster shell scale, euonymus scale, pine needle scale, rhododendron borer, apple tree borer, spider mites. Borrowed from the “Hints” section of our website, the following recipe will help get rid of those pesky critters:


Looking for a bad-bug killer that you know is harmless? Well, look no further! They don’t come any safer than this. (That is unless you’re an aphid, spider mite, whitefly or other pest)





Mix the oil and baking soda together, then combine 2 teaspoons of this mixture with 1 cup of water in a hand-held spray bottle, then fire away when ready.”

See you at the next General Meeting on July 19th at the Dunnville Optimist Hall.

Sue Mazi, Secretary

Essential advice for the gardener: grow peas of mind, lettuce be thankful, squash selfishness, turnip to help thy neighbor, and always make thyme for loved ones. ~Author Unknown

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