April 2014

Happy spring at last! Wasn’t March unbelievable this year? One day it’s warm and sunny and the next it’s a blizzard. Hopefully you were safe and warm while it was nasty outside. With robins finally making an appearance it looks like we’re in the home stretch and good weather will be here to stay.

We won’t be attending the Home and Garden show or the Mudcat Parade this year. These events are a huge undertaking each year, and the executive has decided to concentrate on the things that are far more important to us, such as the May plant sale which is our biggest fundraiser each year, the town flowerbeds and the Trillium awards. We had record plant sales in the past three years so we want to aim for another record this year. Our army of volunteers last year did an awesome job planting, maintaining and cleaning up the flowerbeds around town making the entire town of Dunnville look absolutely stunning. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped out last year and I hope you are planning to help out again this year. Our DHS president Lori will be talking to us about the planting at this meeting so if you have any questions or would like to sign up to help please don’t be shy. Many hands make light work. The Trillium awards have always been very special to us as they showcase the hard work of individual home owners in town who work very hard to beautify their homes and in turn beautifying the town. The awards open the door for these people to become members and become involved in our society. I came to my first meeting as the result of winning one. So for this year we’ll back off on a few things and possibly look at doing them again next year.

Our guest speaker at the March meeting was Jackie Lynch who talked to our group about grasses. She showed us beautiful photographs and explained how best to use grasses in beds and borders, as visual barriers, and for attracting birds and butterflies. She gave us some great ideas that I’m sure we will all incorporate into our gardens this year.

Our speakers for the upcoming meeting will be Bob and Ann Granatier. They own Trail’s End Iris Gardens near Brantford. Their gardens are absolutely beautiful and if you’re ever in their area you should take the time to visit. I love irises, and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us.

Don’t forget that the April meeting is on April 24th, which is one week later than usual.

Maura Cooper needs volunteers to help out in the kitchen each month so please see her if you’d like to help out. Members are asked to supply the snacks so please sign up to make sure everyone has their turn, and please don’t forget to put a little something in the donation jar for the kitchen supplies such as tea and coffee.

Garden Tip of the Month: This is the big month for planting vegetables; however don’t plant too early because frost will kill them if you aren’t prepared to protect them. Keep weeds under control by hoeing or cultivating. The cool weather of April is perfect for pansies. Brighten up your front door with pots of transplanted pansies or place them in outdoor beds as soon as the soil can be worked. Purchase large plants that will give a good show before hot weather. And don’t forget to stretch before you do any digging in your garden so your back stays strong for another great season of gardening.

See you at the next meeting!

Essential advice for the gardener: grow peas of mind, lettuce be thankful, squash selfishness, turnip to help thy neighbor, and always make thyme for loved ones. ~Author Unknown

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