May 2014 

Hello everyone!
Spring is well underway and I hope you are enjoying working in your garden again. This is definitely the time of year that we all live for. Shovels, trowels and dirt under our nails: there’s nothing like it.Our guest speakers on April 24th were Bob and Ann Granatier from Trail’s End Iris Gardens. With Ann giving the presentation and Bob manning the power-point we learned a lot about irises. There are so many different kinds and it was nice to go back to basics regarding growing, transplanting and dividing them. The most interesting thing I learned was how drought tolerant they are. They are a perfect addition to your flowerbeds if you are interested in xeriscaping your gardening.

Our guest speaker for May is one of our favourite return speakers, Lester Fretz.   He’ll be talking to us about micro-gardening, but I’m sure he’ll cover many other interesting topics as usual. If you’ve had a chance to listen to him before you know you’re in for an entertaining evening. We’ll also be having our annual rose draw. You must be signed in at the meeting to win one.

Our plant sale is being held on Saturday May 10th at the Optimist Hall. Like last year it’ll be held in conjunction with the Optimist Club’s annual indoor Vendors’ Market sale. The Optimist Club will have food available too. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday morning, either helping out or shopping for goodies for your home or garden. Sunday May 11th is Mother’s Day so come, help out and check out the bargains.  Now is a great time to get into your garden and divide some perennials to donate. Please make sure all plants are potted (bare root plants will not be accepted) and labelled clearly with sun/shade/water requirements. We’ll accept donations Friday evening from 6-8 p.m. at the condo parking lot next to the bridge. Please plan on donating a couple hours of your time to help at the sale.

Our annual planting day is coming up: Saturday, May 24th. The town flowerbeds are our main focus every year and without our army of trusty volunteers to plant and maintain them Dunnville wouldn’t have the beautiful vibrant downtown core that we have. This year we’ll have maps to help with the layouts of the flowerbeds. If you want to come and help please just show up and look for anyone in a green cap and green t-shirt. They’ll be more than happy to put you to work. The more people who show up—the faster things will get done.   Be at the condo parking lot at 8 a.m. and be sure to bring a trowel, knee pads, and gloves.

Garden tip of the month:

The “May two-four” weekend is traditionally the weekend to plant annuals.   The garden centres will be buzzing! Just remember, you don’t have to plant everything in the spring. Many perennials can be purchased for a fraction of the price in the fall. But, if you’re like me, I can’t wait until then. If you can find them, now it is the time to locate hardy mums to plant so they’ll come back every year. Mums purchased in the fall are using all their energy for their flowers and won’t set up a good root system to survive the winter.

See you at the next meeting!


Sue Mazi, DHS Corresponding secretary.


Essential advice for the gardener: grow peas of mind, lettuce be thankful, squash selfishness, turnip to help thy neighbor, and always make thyme for loved ones. ~Author Unknown

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