Thursday, May 18, 2017

A record of over 125 people signed in for our May program night. Debbie Thomas welcomed guests and members to our special evening with Artist Christian Corbet and his protege, Lukas France who refurbished of our Centennial Park Monument. Guests Margaret Kamping, Rob Shirton, and Katrina Schmitz were also recognized.

Thanks to Brant Richardson (former DSS student volunteer and son of Denise Richardson, DHS Board member) for designing 2 metal garden trellises for donation to DHS. One will be auctioned at the upcoming Mayor’s Gala, May 27. $5 donations are accepted tonight for a chance to take home the second garden trellis at a draw at the end of this evening’s program.

Our regular speaker, Jim Lounsbery, “The Art of Pruning” will be rescheduled due to the timing of Christian’s visit. Tonight’s program is a celebration of Centennial Park Monument and the history of Artist Dr. Elizabeth Holbrook.

Brief business updates included:
-Plant Sale, May 13 raising $1809 (plant sales), $170 (bird house draw), $1250 (donation). 8 new members and 16 junior gardeners joined our club. Remaining plants were donated to Thompson Creek Community Garden. Thanks to all who volunteered their time and contributed their plants.
-Lions Home and Garden Show, April 21-22: 66 new members joined. Prize winners: Helena Collins and Marianne Knight.
-Centennial Park Monument Kick-off, April 29: great community networking and profiling of our project
-Planting Day, May 27, 8am: meet at the parking lot by the bridge with your gloves and hand trowels. Volunteers are welcome as we have over 200 trays of annuals and 50 grasses to be planted. “Many hands make light work.” Thanks to Konkle Greenhouses for their generous donations.
-Mayor’s Gala, Cayuga, May 27: tickets available $125/person. Call (905) 318-5932 ex. 6102 for tickets. DHS is a recipient of this fundraising event this year!
-Mark Cullen, Speaker, June 15, GrandErie Garden Centre: our regular program night will join this great event. Tickets must be purchased in advance at GrandErie Garden Centre. $5/person includes entry into draws, raffles, and refreshments. Proceeds donated to DHS.
-Haldimand Motors Great Trike Race, Sept. 8: DHS will be participating. If you wish to help, contact Deb Z. or Debbie T.
-Visit our website www.dunnvillehortandgardenclub.org for summer updates. Kim C. will send out email updates as well.

Break was announced. Tonight’s refreshment volunteers were thanked: Joan King, Sharon Sykes, Evelyn Wardell, Lisa Burden & Kathy Black. September refreshments will be provided by: Marie Bak, Bev & Wray McLean, Beth Powell, Sandra Gill, and Lorraine Stevenson.

Our garden trellis was won by Woody and Joan King with $300. raised toward the Monument restoration project.

Deb Z. had the privilege of introducing our guest, Christian Corbet who shared many interesting stories about the life and work of artist, Dr. Elizabeth Holbrook. Christian was Holbrook’s sole protege. Slides and actual art pieces enriched his engaging presentation with time for questions. Christian also provided an overview of his work the past 8 days on the restoration process of the Centennial Park Monument. The presentation ended in a standing ovation with thanks for Christian’s work along with his protege, Lukas France.

“Auctioneer” Don Zynomirski led a live auction of original watercolour artwork donated by Christian. He chose to paint geraniums since this is our club’s official flower. Original pieces were purchased by: Marilyn Stavinga, Don Davis, Denise Richardson, Kim Christoff, and Deb Zynomirski raising a total of $615 toward the Monument restoration project. Thanks to Christian for his generous donations, to those who made art purchases, and to Don Zynomirski, our auctioneer.

Our Annual May Rose Draw concluded this great evening with 10 winners: Peter Zynomirski, Nelly Engelage, Woody King, Donna Cavers, Keith Bak, Lynda High, Rose Marie Bosak, Svetlana Poltavets, Tina Janssen, and Boukje Dykstra.

Kitchen & Refreshment donations were: $69. Thanks to all who contributed.

Everyone was dismissed with a grateful appreciation to all who made this evening an enjoyable time.

Sandi Marr, DHS Secretary

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