March 2012
Meeting was opened by Judy Jeffery at 7:10 p.m. 44 members signed in.
Minutes from November 2011 were read by Sue Mazi. Sue moved to have them accepted as read, and Linda Muldoon seconded the motion. All were in favour.
Mail: There was no new mail.
Kim Christoff read the Treasurer’s report for February 2012. We have 54 paid up member to date.
Judy announced that Maura had refreshments that were ready and rather than wait until later in the program advised that we should partake early. A short break was taken. Maura did such an awesome job preparing goodies and having hot tea and coffee for everyone. Thanks to all who volunteered to assist her in the kitchen.
New Business:
Susan Lusted, OHA director for District 9, gave a power point presentation regarding the OHA convention that is being held in Niagara-on-the-Lake on August 17-19th. This year’s theme is the War of 1812 Bicentennial.
OHA is looking for volunteers to assist in all aspects of the convention. A signup sheet was passed around and one was left with us if anyone should decide in the near future to sign up.
Kim spoke about the upcoming Lion’s Club Home Show in April. We need gifts to hand out, such as seed packets. Last year we handed out 1000 bulbs, but we don’t have access to them this year. Any ideas? The show is 4 weeks away. The show will be held at the new Dunnville Memorial Arena on April 20 & 21st.
Maura handed out another volunteer sheet for kitchen duty. We have just about all the meetings covered. We still need helpers for May 17th (1) and Sept. 20th (2). Thank you to everyone who signed up to help.
Tickets will be available at the April meeting which is the night before the home show. We have a beautiful arbour to give away as 1st prize, and a garden bench for 2nd prize. Thank you to Rob Maracle for securing these items for us.
Thanks to all the volunteers who have signed up to man the booth at the Home Show.
Debbie Thomas spoke about the upcoming bus trip to Canada Blooms on March 24th. There are 12 tickets left. We are leaving at 8:30 a.m. sharp from the condos located at the bridge. It is going to be a fun day with games and prizes on the bus, and with Canada Blooms and the National Home Show co-located it promises to be a wonderful show.
Our guest speaker for the evening was Karin Vermeer. She taught us about therapeutic horticulture and how it is used to help people with physical and cognitive difficulties. It sounds amazing. She also brought numerous plants and gave a demonstration on how to assemble baskets and planters for outdoors. The plants and planters that she made were offered for sale. Thank you, Karin, for sharing your vast knowledge about plants and the wonderful things that can be achieved using them.
Ways & Means draw raised $59.00. Betty always does a great job.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.