Aug. 2012

Meeting was officially opened by President Judy Jeffery at 7:25 p.m.

Refreshments were announced.  Thank you to Maura Cooper for organizing the tea/coffee and goodies for the evening.

36 members were signed in.

Silent Auction:  Kim Christoff announced that there were items on display for the evening’s silent auction.

Minutes:  The minutes from July were distributed to the members to read.  There were no errors, omissions, or questions.  Vel LeVette moved to have them accepted as read, and Gwen Van Natter seconded.   All were in favour.

New Mail:  Newsletter from GRCA “Grand Actions” for July/ August.

Information package from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency regarding the spread and control of Emerald Ash Borer.  This information will be added to our website.

Flyer from Port Dover/Woodhouse Horticultural Society regarding the OHA Carolinian District 6 Fall Dinner on November 6th.  All Society members are welcome.  This will also be posted on our website.

Treasurer’s Report was ready by Kim Christoff.

Opening balance: 6471.71
Income: 3974.00
Expenses: 1553.37
Ending balance: 8712.34

Members: 115

We recently received a grant from Haldimand County in the amount of $3700.00.  This is a grant for the beautification of Dunnville (flowerbeds only).   We are paid based on the number of volunteer hours each year.  It is very important that everyone keep track, even if you think what you are doing doesn’t amount to much.  If you have any questions regarding volunteer hours please see Kim or Lori Maracle.  We will be applying for a grant again this fall.  Next year we will have increased watering costs and more flowerbeds to look after as the town has added new beds near the bridge.

New Business:  Shrubs from the old Hydro building flower bed by the bridge are unfortunately dying.  We were given very short notice that the bed was going to be torn up and they were moved at the worst possible time what with the heat and humidity.  They were moved but with little time to plan they aren’t doing well.

Mary Galli has graciously donated several daffodil bulbs which will be planted in the new beds in the fall.  We need volunteers to help out.  Please let Kim or Lori know if you are interested in pitching in.

Judy announced that the Fall Flower & Vegetable Show has been cancelled.  The Optimist Hall will not be available September 22nd.  In the past we have used Grandview Lodge, but at this time they are under “lock down” and very difficult to get in and out of, so we regretfully will not be holding the show this year.  If anything changes members will be notified by phone and email.

Elections will be taking place next month at the general meeting.  We are in need of 4-5 new directors.  Nominations will be accepted tonight if anyone is interested.  Please donate some of your time for next year.  We meet once a month at the Chamber of Commerce for an executive meeting.

Vice President Lori Maracle is now writing a monthly column in the Dunnville Chronicle.  Please take the time to read her articles as they are very timely and informative.

Lori introduced our speaker for the evening. Ms. Koreen Di Fruscio from the Arthritis Society.    She explained what arthritis is and what we can do to make living with it a little easier.  Thank you so much Koreen for a very informative evening.  Handouts were given to everyone.  More information can be found at

Betty called the winning ticket numbers for the Ways & Means draw.  $60.00 was raised.  Great job as usual Betty!

The silent auction was a great success bringing in $311.00.  The winners of the Silent Auction were:  Don won the painting for $130 and the table for $20.  George Vrkljan won the fireplace for $61.  Judy won the radio for $45 and Mary Lou won the pond kit for $55.
We would like to express a HUGE thank you to Ruffin’s Pet Centre for donating the pond kit, Giant Tiger for donating the coffee table, the radio/cd player, and the fireplace, and Mary Lou Johnston for donating the beautiful hummingbird painting.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

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