Feb. 2013

Meeting was called order at 7:39 p.m. by President Lori Maracle.

Minutes from the January 2013 general meeting were accepted as read. Betty Ballanger made the motion to accept, and Vel LeVatte seconded. All were in favour.

Kim read the treasurer’s report. Balance forward from last month is $3056.90. Income was $1343.30, and expenses were $114.50 leaving us with a balance of $4285.70. GIC certificates total $3000.00 and petty cash is $100.00.

Lori spoke to the membership about our upcoming “Tripartite” meeting with the BIA (Business Improvement Area) and the Chamber of Commerce. The meeting will help with planning the beautification of the downtown area, and by the three groups meeting together it eliminates overlapping work and expense.

Lori also spoke about the upcoming Home & Garden show that takes place in April. The dates are April 19th and 20th. Setup day will be Thursday, April 18th. Our booth has been reserved and volunteers are needed both for setup and for manning the booth during the show. A sign up sheet was passed around.

Debbie Thomas spoke about the upcoming bus trip to Canada Blooms/Toronto Home Show. Tickets are $40 for members and $50 for non-members. The bus leaves Dunnville on March 23rd at 8:30 a.m. and returns approximately 6:30 p.m. The format is the same as last year.

We will not have a regular June general meeting. Instead, we will be meeting at Rosa Flora for a special guided tour of the facility. The cost is $5.00 per person and is open only to members. Afterwards we will gather at the home of Rob and Lori Maracle for a BBQ.

Kim spoke about the upcoming District 9 Spring Forum that we are hosting in April. District 9 encompasses the Niagara Peninsula from Grimsby to Niagara Falls, and also includes Dunnville, even though we are physically located in Haldimand County. This will be a great opportunity to show off our society and our town. A meeting will be held at the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m. If any members are interested in helping out, either with making sandwiches, snacks, setting up, etc., please attend. All are welcome. There will be a flower show at the spring forum in which members are encouraged to enter. Kim will have entry forms at the March meeting. The rules for the flower show are on our website (www.dunnvillehortsoc.gardenontario.org).

Debbie Thomas introduced our guest speakers, Shawn Nixon and Chris Paribello from Davey Tree Expert Co. of Canada. They talked to us about pruning basics and gave a great presentation.

Steve Elgersma won the 2013 Early Bird Draw and was presented with a $25 gift certificate from Harmony House Jewellers.

The Ways & Means draw raised $52.00. Thank you to Betty Ballanger and Debbie Wilson for a job well done.

41 Members were signed in. Head count was 44. Please remember to sign in each time you attend.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Thank you to all the volunteers who made tonight meeting a success!

Sue Mazi, DHS secretary

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