Aug. 2013

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

Lori Maracle warmly welcomed everyone. There were 74 people in attendance. This may very well be a record.

Refreshments were made available and Ways & Means tickets went on sale.

Gwen Vannatter made the motion to have the May minutes accepted as read. Pauline Bradford seconded the motion. All in favour.

Treasurer’s report was read and discussed.

Lori explained the new watering deal that has been made with Roger Egger.

Volunteer hours need to be tracked. Haldimand County actually pays us for each volunteer hour so all members need to be sure to keep track of all hours worked.

Dunnville’s gardens are absolutely beautiful this year due to the good weather and hard work of our volunteers.

Lori also mentioned that in the near future we may be able to tackle Muddy the Mudcat and the Centennial fountain as a beautification project. The giant fish needs some serious landscaping. Judy Jeffery kindly offered a donation of hostas for this purpose.

Trillium Awards for 2013 were presented to the winners. Councillor Lorne Boyko was kind enough to attend again this year to present them. Congratulations to everyone.

Food was put out for everyone to enjoy. Pazzo’s Pizza donated 3 large pizzas again and we had a beautiful cake from Sobey’s with trilliums on it. There is a picture of it on our website.

At 8 p.m. our guest speaker Krista Barlow from Krista’s Kornhusk Kreations gave a demonstration on making corn husk dolls. She does such a beautiful job. She demonstrated how to make a corn husk rose and certainly made it look easy. Her corn husk art has been sold all over the world.

Ways & Means earned $73.00. Great job, Betty! The W&M table was spectacular tonight. Thank you to Maura Cooper and her helpers for taking care of the kitchen, doing a wonderful job as usual. Thank you to everyone who helped out.

Next meeting is at the Optimist Hall on Thursday, September 19, 2013.

Sue Mazi, DHS Secretary.

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