Oct. 2013

The meeting was opened by Lori Maracle at 7:00 p.m.

There were 54 people signed in, with 4 being guests.

A motion was made by Linda Muldoon to accept the minutes from September. Ian Steel seconded. Motion was passed.

The treasurer’s report was read.

New Business:
The membership was informed that former DHS president (1992, 1993) and secretary (1985, 1986) Jean Dickhout passed away on October 11th. Our condolences to her family.

The bus trip to the Royal Winter Fair was discussed. Tickets are $45 for members and $55 for non-members and the deadline for purchasing them is October 28th.

Grant applications for 2014 were discussed. We have applied for: 1: the regular working grant from Haldimand County-asking for maximum $4000.00 and 2: the beautification grant from Haldimand County.  We requested the need for $1500.00 and will get 50% ($750) if approved. This money will be used to purchase planters for Lock Street. The BIA is applying for a grant to buy matching planters for Chestnut Street. The size and style will be co-ordinated with the BIA and they will hopefully be installed in May 2014.
The November general meeting is our Annual General Meeting. We will read the minutes from last November and go over the Treasurer’s report for the year.   We will also have nominations/elections/installations of executive and directors for 2014. This meeting is also our Christmas celebration and pot luck dinner which will also include a penny sale.

Volunteers will be needed to help out with the snacks at the general meetings for 2014. Please see Maura Cooper to sign up.

Volunteers are also needed for the plant cleanup scheduled for October 19th which is in 2 days. There was a show of hands from the membership as to who was going to help out.

In keeping with the DHS’s plans to plant perennials in the town flowerbeds 4 holly bushes (2 females, 2 males) have been purchased. Heron statues have been purchased that are going to adorn the fountain.

Muddy the Mudcat will be a project for 2014. The Rotary Club is responsible for the area immediately underneath him and we are going to partner with them to plant grasses around him.   We will also look into sprucing up the Centennial Fountain next to Muddy.

There was a 10 minute refreshment break.   Thank you to Maura Cooper, Marissa Iozzo, Mary Galli, and Betty Ballanger for the goodies and for taking care of the kitchen duties.

The Kornhusk doll workshop for November 2 still has some opening available. The workshop will be held at the home of member Brenda Pittaway.

Debbie introduced our guest speaker, Master Gardener Vivian Shoalts who spoke to the group about planting in November and gifts for gardeners.
The Ways & Means tickets were called out. The table looked great and thank you everyone who donated items. We earned $56.00.

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped this evening, and thank you to Ethan and Aidan from Dunnville Secondary School for helping with set up, kitchen duties, Ways & Means, and clean up.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Sue Mazi, DHS Secretary.

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