Nov. 2014

Shortly after 6:00 p.m. the DHS executive, directors, members and guests stood up and sang O Canada.

Steve Elgersma said grace. Thank you Steve for your wonderful and powerful rendition.

Dinner was served and dinner was outstanding. Thank you to everyone who provided food.

Meeting was opened by Lori Maracle at 7:10 p.m. and she warmly welcomed everyone. She thanked Brenda Pittaway for hosting our cornhusk doll workshop given by Krista Barlow earlier this month and Debbie Thomas for all her hard work organizing the bus trip to the Royal Winter Fair.

Sue Mazi put forth to have a motion made for the AGM minutes from November 2012 to be accepted as read. The minutes were not read aloud, but everyone was given a copy. Pauline Bradford made the motion and Vel LeVatte seconded. Motion was passed.

Kim Christoff read highlights of the annual treasurer’s report and audit. Members Barb Whyte and Cindy Huitema had audited our financial records and found a few minor mistakes that were corrected. Kim pointed out some of our income: the Ways & Means table earned $484.00 this past year. Thanks to Betty Ballanger and Debbie Wilson for doing such a great job. The rent each month for the Optimist Hall is $50.00 so this basically pays for it. We have 129 members. We have received grants this year from OMAFRA ($1000.00) and Haldimand County ($4000.00). As our director of fundraising, Rob Maracle has brought in $4165.00 in cash donations (not including prizes and other donations). Kim read out a list of our sponsors, of which we have over 50. 17 of our sponsors gave cash, the rest donated prizes, flowers, and plants. Kim then explained the income and expense report. She went over our financial review. The treasurer’s report and audit was put forth for a motion to be accepted as read. Vel LeVatte made the motion, and Linda Muldoon seconded. Motion was passed. Barb Whyte and Cindy Huitema have graciously agreed to be our auditors again for 2014.

Our operating budget for the upcoming year was read by Kim and explained.

Lori asked members to fill out a short survey that was handed out with the agendas. She then spoke about the wonderful year we had. She gave us a sneak preview of her upcoming column in the Sachem which speaks about her pride of the DHS for being nominated for Community Project Award at Haldimand County’s 13th Annual Recognition Night.   Even though we didn’t win, we certainly have made our group and our town citizens very proud. She also mentioned that anyone can volunteer—you don’t have to be on the executive to help out.

Marvin Myhre, past director of District 9, swore in the DHS officers for 2014. They are as follows: President: Lori Maracle, Vice-president: Debbie Thomas, Secretary: Sue Mazi, Treasurer: Kim Christoff. Directors are: Betty Ballanger, Pauline Bradford, Maura Cooper, Mary Lou Johnston, Vel LeVatte, Rob Maracle, Marilyn Stavinga, and Ian Steel.

After a short break, Lori read “A Redneck Christmas” and Santa Claus made an appearance. How wonderful of him to take time out of his busy schedule to visit us!

Penny Sale winners were announced. The penny sale raised $230.00. Amazing work, ladies!

The photo contest winners were announced: Winter: Gwen VanNatter, Spring: Marilyn Stavinga, Summer: Maura Cooper, and Fall: Donna Cavers. Gift certificates from Hauser’s Pharmacy and the Source were given as prizes.

The poinsettia and Christmas cactus centrepieces were awarded and the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Thank you to the Optimist Hall for providing our kitchen staff for the evening. Thank you to all who helped out.

Sue Mazi, DHS Secretary.

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