May 2014
The meeting was opened by Lori Maracle at 7:00 p.m.
There were 54 people signed in.
Lori welcomed everyone and reminded the membership to sign in to be eligible for the annual Rose Draw. 10 Roses were donated by Judy’s Plants and Nursery.
Kim presented the minutes from April 2014 and asked if there were any errors or omissions. Ian moved to have them accepted as presented. Pauline seconded the motion and it was passed. The treasurer’s report from April was read. Membership stands at 103. Income was $92.00. Expenses were $255.26. Ending balance was $10,000.49. GIC remain at $3000 and petty cash at $100.
Plant Sale results were presented by Lori. It was a very successful day with lots of donated plants, volunteers and sales of $2073! This total included $66 from a raffle for a garden basket, won by Olga & Bruce Nevills. We also had 10 more members join up.
McHappy Day was held on Wed. May 7 and was attended by Lori, Rob, Debbie T., Maura, Ian and Pauline as representatives of the Dunnville Horticultural Society.
Planting Day is on Saturday May 24. We will be meeting at the condo parking lot at 8 am. Members were asked to sign up and to please bring sunscreen, a hat and any gardening tools they might have. Water would be provided. Debbie has reached out to the community as well for their help. The DSS will be planting the Clock and the High school/Godfather’s bed. Rain date will be Sunday May 25.
Dunnville Trillium Awards We are looking for at least 12 people to be judges. There will be a brief training session so that judging will be fair and consistent. Judging takes place the first few weeks of July with the results being presented at our August meeting.
Garden Walk will be held on Thursday June 19 at Beth Powell and Ken Sherwood’s starting at 7 p.m. Maps are on the website as well as at the front table. . A Food and beverages will be provided afterwards at the same place. Please remember that this is just a snack, not dinner. Please bring lawn chairs. There will be no meeting this month.
Bus Tour will take place on Saturday July 12, meeting at the condo parking lot at 9 a.m.We will go first to Whistling Gardens where we will also have a catered lunch. Following lunch we will go to Bonnieheath Lavender farm for a wagon ride through the fields of lavender. Cost is $40 for members, $50 for non-members.
Our website is wonderfully maintained by Ian Steel. There are many helpful hints, some that were obtained from our own panel of “experts”. Ian also made bookmarks that were handed out at the plant sale as well as McHappy Day asking for volunteers for planting day.
Ways & Means is very full tonight! Our speaker Lester Fretz has donated a lot of different items as well as many plants that were left over from the plant sale. Many are a little messy so please use a plastic bag to help with the cleanup later on. Next meeting will be on Thursday August 21. This will be our Trillium Award evening as well as having a penny sale. The speaker is Leanne Dykun from Blooming Designs. We need kitchen volunteers for this night as well as in September and October.
Rice Road Nurseries has donated 4 yards of Nincompoop, a soil amendment that is clean and good for controlling weeds. Lori, Rob and Debbie spread this over the high school bed and the one at Dell’s Pharmacy. 3 yards of mulch has been donated by Turkstra Lumber and was put in the Christmas tree bed. We have also purchased two planters to be placed on Lock Street from Rice Road. They are full of soil and plants and will be delivered in time for the Mudcat Festival.
Refreshments were put out, a wonder of goodies provided by Mary Fretz,
?And?. Thanks ladies!
Our Speaker Lester Fretz gave a wonderful presentation on “Micro-gardening” showing us creative ways of finding space for our plants. As always, Lester was full of wonderful ideas, tips and hints.
Rose Draw was held, and winners were presented with their prizes.
Ways & Means was held which raised $59.
Meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.
Kim Christoff, DHS Treasurer