7:00pm. Meeting was opened by Sharon at 7:00. She welcomed all attendees.. The Treasurer’s Report is Posted on the back wall. Questions can be directed to our Treasurer Ellen Guenther.
7:10pm. Business at Hand
- Thank you to Marlene Link for her continued articles in the Sachem, and also to Susan and Brad Emery for their Get Growing column in the Haldimand Press
- Reminder we are participating in Lug A Mug – Sharon encouraged members to bring their own reusable mug.
- DHS is partnering with the Haldimand Hort Society in 2023 to do a joint Seedy Saturday event. This will take place at the arena in Cayuga. The confirmed date is April 29th 2023. Save the date!
- Sharon thanked everyone who brought the finger foods for break today, Much Appreciated.
- Suggestion Box will once again be available by the registration desk. Several suggestions were submitted, to be discussed at our next Board Meeting.
- Sharon reminded everyone that Bring A Friend Month is next month, remember to bring your friends, your grandkids, everyone and earn ballots for the prize draw
- There are sign up sheets to show interest for the following activities at the welcome table: weeding, planting, bus tour, poppies and lions booth.
- Tonight was the Early Bird draw. The name was selected by Kyle McLaughlin, our guest speaker. The winner was NellyE. She chose the hammock, and the other prizes were set aside for later.
- Members were encouraged to take a Seedy Saturday Flyer and share it at their favourite places. DebZ handed out 5 flyers to members for posting.
- Thank you to everyone who dressed up in their St. Patty’s Best, Judging was done over the break by DebbieT’s granddaughters Cara and Claire. Winners were: DebZ, NellyE and Susan Milligan. Each received a shamrock plant.
- Volunteers were requested for next month’s meeting: Beth Powell, Deb Glazier, Olivia Bradshaw (905)776-8893, and DebbieT.
- DebZ read the prepared bio for Kyle McLaughlin. Kyle’s talk on Mushrooms and Fungi, and their impact on trees was interesting and well received. Kyle suggested a late summer or early fall forest walk, and many seemed interested. A sign up sheet was created after the meeting…10 people signed up.
- Sharon wrapped things up with the St. Patty’s dress winners, the Early Bird Draw, and thanking our volunteers.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:40pm
- Betty and Gwen called names for the Ways and Means.
- Kitchen Donations: $18.50
- Ways and Means: $43.00
- Memberships sold: $110.00
Dates to Remember:
- April 20th, next Program Night – Edible Garden with Melissa North
- April 13-15 – Lions Home and Garden Show – Booth Theme is Flower Power
- April 20th – Bring a friend month.
- April 29th 2023 – Seedy Saturday Cayuga Arena